What we enjoy very much, is getting a computer to shut down and restart in between 30 and 60 seconds. In this case almost certainly, it will serve you well when you are using it, and you’re not sitting around waiting for it to undertake a simple task.
We do service customer computers today that are 5 years old, have been upgraded by Silver Service IT and can now restart in 30 seconds, which is a major improvement. There is a lot to be said for a clean build of Windows 10 operating system on old hardware and MS Office 2016.
Theft of your time by computer in this day and age is avoidable and we prefer technology to react instantly (or thereabouts) to your requests. The days of sitting around waiting for a computer to think, really are in the past – if you so choose.
If it can be upgraded and will deliver the performance thereafter that you need, we will recommend this to you. If you don’t get any performance gains, we will take back the goods and return your money, but bear this in mind – that has never happened to date.
Nonetheless, if it is clear that your equipment is unable to be upgraded, we will also explain why but usually it is self explanatory, due to the age or older unsupported operating system like Vista or XP and the hardware to match.